Jüdisches Leben in EuropaMit der Hilfe des Himmels


Jüdisches Museum Berlin

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The Austrian Encounter is a small, international group of thoughtful, motivated people who are personally related to the Austrian portion of the Holocaust through their parents' and grandparents' victimization, perpetration, or related involvements: sons and daughters of Holocaust victims meeting with daughters and sons of Holocaust perpetrators, somehow connected to Austria. 

The Austrian Encounter has so far met in Vienna three times for intensive dialogues, each was several days long.

The fourth encounter is again scheduled for Vienna: 27 - 31 August 1999.  We are not religiously oriented and this is not a therapy group.

Thank you!
Samson Munn, M.D.

fax (in U.S.): (617) 327-8259

This is the only encounter/discussion group in Austria -- the ONLY in Austria -- dealing with the Holocaust !

It is composed of sons and daughters of Austrian victims meeting with daughters and sons of Austrian Holocaust perpetrators.  It is private, not open to the public, cost-free, non religious, and non therapeutic. There are ~ 12 - 15 participants.  We have met three times since 1995. It is now possible for one or perhaps two new people to take part at this upcoming meeting, the fourth.


Jüdische Weisheit


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